Overheard Converstaion

It seems depression as an illness is fair game when it comes to jokes and generally slagging people off for suffering. Today I was pretty upset by a an overheard conversation about someone who had been signed off their work with depression. I won’t relay the whole conversation but basically it sounded as if someone was having a bad day and made the flippant remark about how “I can’t be bothered, maybe I’ll get myself signed off sad for weeks like (insert name of person off with depression)” to which the rest of the people sniggered and nodded in agreement.

It seems an ongoing thing. People get away with it everyday. I’m tired of people making out that people suffering from this at times crippling illness are just being lazy. You here remarks such as “Oh well, that person can’t be that sick can they, they’re facebook status said they were out and about today, that’s not what sick people do.”  So I suppose to feel better we should sit in a room like hermits moping, getting steadily worse so that our return to health end up taking longer.

I was signed off with depression once for two weeks and I felt so guilty for not being at work I went back early against my doctors recommendations. There’s times were I really feel I can’t cope and should probably be off but I now refuse to go to the doctors incase I get signed off again and face these insults and accusations of being lazy and just wanting an extra holiday. Now when I hear conversations like the one I heard today I can’t help but wonder what people say about me behind my back. Guess I’m lazy and just at it too, eh? Horrible to think that the majority of the world treats us like lazy scivers when what would really be nice would be support and understanding. You know, like the kind you’d give someone if they signed off and suffering with some kind of physical ailment. You would never be allowed to get away with openly suggesting someone was being lazy if they had a heart attack or were in an accident. No, they’d be given all the support they need to get better, no one would question why they needed time off work.

Once again I find myself desperately wishing that attitudes towards mental health would bloody well change!

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